What Did You Miss?
10 topics worth another look.
Last week, I heard from a long-time subscriber and one of My Aging Parents biggest supporters.
Something was bothering her.
“Ethan,” she said. “I don’t always read every article. I get busy. And sometimes it’s just too much.”
And I said, “That’s okay, Mom. You’re not the only one.”
Which is why we’re opening up the archives for another look at topics you may have missed. Or didn’t have the bandwidth for because you were busy. Or it was just too much.
Even if you’re not my mother.
Thanks for caring,

Military Intelligence
This overlooked VA benefit may help close financial gaps.
Is your mom or dad a veteran? Worried about their finances? This lesser-known VA benefit may help cover costs for assisted living or in-home care. Trudi Roth explains why families are too quick to give up on the claims process, and why it pays to get the right kind of expert help.
Going Home for the Holidays?
How to tell your parents need help.
Sometimes it’s easier to notice changes when you haven’t seen mom or dad in a while. That’s why holiday visits are an ideal time to take stock of how your parents are doing at home — even if they’ve been telling you everything is fine. Here are tips about what to look for and classic warning signs your parents need help.
Home Alone
Loneliness is a silent epidemic. Is your parent at risk?
Everyone feels lonely from time to time. But chronic loneliness or social isolation has severe long-term physical and mental health consequences for older adults. Here’s what you need to know and what to watch for — especially if mom or dad lives alone.
Fly Like a Seagull
How to deal with swooping siblings.
Your brother breezes into town with all kinds of advice about how to make things better for mom. Why didn’t you think of that? Oh, wait. You did. Aarrrgghh! When you’re the one who’s stepping up, the last thing you need is a sibling who swoops in like a seagull, makes a mess, and flies away. Ready to say “bye bye birdie?” These tips will help.
Tell Me a Story
Help your parent give the gift of legacy.
We’re all trying to make sense of our lives. But for older adults, this fundamental human desire becomes an essential psychological task. Here’s how to help your parent discover their legacy by recording their story.
The Key to Helping Your Parents
Make time to take care of yourself.
Caregiver burnout is real. So are the consequences of hitting that wall — for you, your parents, and your entire family. Want to keep showing up without shutting down? Make time to take care of yourself. Here’s how to get started.
Does Mom Have a Memory Problem?
What to do about that nagging feeling.
Maybe it’s the way mom keeps asking the same questions about your job. Or the way dad gets a little confused driving home from the supermarket. Is something wrong? Or are you overreacting? Geriatrician Leslie Kernisan, MD, shares expert advice about what to do next and how to do it.
It Can Happen to Any of Us
How to talk to your parents about scam safety.
The monetary loss from a scam can devastate your parent’s financial security and independence. And the shame many older victims carry can dramatically affect emotional and mental health. That’s why talking with your parent about scam awareness and prevention is essential. Start with these tips.
Minding Mom’s Money
When and how to get help.
Could you take on the role of mom’s bookkeeper? Probably. But that doesn’t mean you should. Many families need support monitoring and managing an older parent’s finances. And they’re turning to a lesser-known but growing number of financial specialists for help.
The Winter of Our Discontent
What to know about seasonal affective disorder.
For some of us, that familiar mid-winter funk is more than a passing bad mood. It’s a form of clinical depression called seasonal affective disorder (SAD). Concerned you or your parent are dealing with more than a case of winter blues? Here are signs it’s time to get help.
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