Take Another Look
Topics and tips you may have missed.
It’s that time again.
We’re opening up the archives for another look at topics and tips you may have missed in your inbox.
Take a few minutes to check out the article summaries below. If not for yourself, then for friends who also have aging parents.
Want to know more about a particular topic in a future issue? Send me an email and let me know what’s on your mind. I love hearing from readers and always respond personally.
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When Every Minute Matters
Heart attacks aren’t always obvious.
Would you know if your parent was having a heart attack? Maybe not. Heart attacks in older adults are rarely dramatic. In fact, the warning signs can be so subtle that they are easy to miss or dismiss as other ailments. Here’s what you need to know when every minute matters — and the clock is ticking.
Will You Have to Manage Mom’s Money?
How to plan for peace of mind.
The moment you realize you need to take over your parent’s finances is always challenging. But if you don’t have Power of Attorney to manage their financial affairs, your life just got a lot harder. Here’s how to start talking with mom and dad about putting a financial POA in place before they need help.
Social Insecurity
How safe is your parent’s online social security account?
Her mother’s social security deposit showed up on time every month for 20 years. Until it didn’t. That’s how Liz Birenbaum discovered someone hijacked her 88-year-old mother’s online Social Security account and changed the direct deposit information. How can you protect your parent’s benefits? Start with these practical steps.
More Than a Chore
Why and how to help your parent with spring cleaning.
Helping mom or dad with their spring cleaning is a great way to understand how their needs are changing, address safety issues, and start deeper conversations. Spring cleaning is more than a chore. It’s an opportunity. Here are some tips to make the most of it.
After the Emergency Room
What to know and what needs to happen next.
When you have older parents, that first visit to the ER is a rite of passage — for both of you. It’s a milestone that signals your journey is entering a new phase. That’s why what happens after the ER is also critical. Here’s why…
What Are You Talking About?
How to start conversations that connect.
Why does mom keep shutting down when you need to talk about an uncomfortable topic? Maybe both of you are trying to have two different types of conversations at the same time. Avoid this common communication frustration with these expert tips…
You’re Going to Need Help
Three innovative services to lighten the load.
It’s a reality that everyone helping their older parent discovers sooner or later: At some point, you’re going to need help. But there’s no reason to wait until you’re burned out before you figure out where that help is coming from. Here are three innovative options for in-home help you need to know about now.
The Declaration of Dependents
A new study sounds a not-so-gentle wake-up call.
More of us are claiming our parents as financial dependents on our tax returns. It’s a harsh reminder about how your parent’s financial security will affect yours — and a call-to-action you can’t afford to ignore.
You Can Say That Again
What to know about age-related hearing loss.
If you think your parent is having trouble hearing, there’s a good chance you’re right. Age-related hearing loss is common — and not something you want to dismiss just because mom insists her hearing is fine. Here’s why and what to do about it.
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