Oh Sh#t! Now What? How to Manage Care for Your Aging Parent

with Diane Dagefoerde, Distance Elder Care
and Ethan Blumen, My Aging Parents

illustration of human burying their face in their hand - looking stressed

It’s happening. Your parent is starting to need more help.

Maybe it's an occasional errand that's becoming a regular thing. Maybe mom is having trouble with the stairs. Or dad fell in the garage — again.

​Things are changing. Are you ready?

Join Diane and Ethan for a practical, no-nonsense take on what matters most and how to get ready for what’s next:

  • The journey of managing care for an aging parent
  • Why the four most common approaches to managing care don't work
  • Your role as their care manager
  • How to shift from panic to proactive care planning
  • The #1 strategy to help you handle every care challenge​

By the end of this free session, you will have a toolkit to help you and your parent navigate the next part your journey together with more clarity, less stress, and better life balance for both of you.

Register Today. It’s Free!

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About Diane and Ethan

Portrait of Ethan Blumen, wearing glasses
Diane Dagefoerde is the author of Managing Elder Care from Afar: A Practical Guide for Busy People. She has over 18 years of experience managing care for her parents while juggling a dynamic career as an information technology executive. Diane has helped over 200 individuals solve their elder care challenges using her unique systems approach. Connect with Diane on LinkedIn and at distanceeldercare.com.

Portrait of Ethan Blumen, wearing glasses
Ethan Blumen is the editor and publisher of My Aging Parents, a free email newsletter of practical tips and strategies for adult children who care. My Aging Parents focuses on what to expect when you’re expecting aging parents. So you can help your parents stay as healthy and independent as possible for as long as possible — without taking years off your own life in the process. Join us at MyAgingParents.net.